Slow Art Day – April 15, 2023

Slow Art Day

5. April 2023

Sweden’s Nationalmuseum Inspires With a Full Day of Programs

Meanwhile, more museums continue to register their plans with us including the Swedish Nationalmuseum with its inspiring (and first) full day of slow activities

Under the direction of Johannes Mayer who coordinates the public events/programming for Nationalmuseum, the museum will start Slow Art Day with a slow yoga class amongst sculptures in the sculpture yard, in the morning at 8:30 am before the museum opens. Participants will be led by yoga teacher Victoria Winderud. The session ends with a fresh smoothie served in the café beneath.


Then, once the museum opens young visitors (5-11 years old) will be invited to go on a slow looking tour of a handful of paintings in the collection, led by museum staff, between 10:30 and 11:15 pm. At 2pm, adults will be invited to go on their own slow looking tour.

But that’s not all.

There will also be an art-chill session at the beautiful Strömsalen (a large room with both paintings and sculptures), led by Sara Borgegård, Intendent Pedagogik for the museum (roughly – the “Superintendent of Pedagogy”) who will tell a saga based on one of the sculptures in the room.

Wait. There’s more.

All day long, the Nationalmuseum will offer what they are calling “drop-in art-chill” at the sculpture-hall/yard, where visitors can sit or lay down on a yoga-mat and listen to a pre-recorded art-chill session, slowly observing the beautiful room.

Finally, all visitors can borrow a slow-looking guide to explore and discover our works of art at their own slow pace.

Wow. Wow. Wow.

What a great design.

I hope this inspires other Slow Art Day museums and galleries.

And wherever you are, we hope you have a GOOD and Slow Art Day 2023. 


Phyl and the Slow Art Day team


Photo by Greg Neville

1 Kommentar

  1. Naira Bloss

    Ein Projekt von Studierenden der SFU Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit den SMB:


    Einladung zur gemeinsamen Kunstbetrachtung auf der Berliner Museumsinsel
    Workshop der rezeptiv-kunsttherapeutischen Praxis anlässlich des SLOW ART DAY am 15. April 2023

    Eine Einladung zu 150 Minuten Kunst-Begegnung, in der wir ruhig und spielerisch in einen Dialog mit einem Kunstwerk treten. In der intensiven Begegnung mit dem Kunstwerk wollen wir etwas über unsere inneren Bilder, Assoziationen und den eigenen ästhetischen Standpunkt erfahren. Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an einem Workshop ist Neugier und Wohlwollen gegenüber sich selbst. Es handelt sich um ein Gruppenangebot zur Gesundheitsförderung, das helfen kann, das persönliche Wohlbefinden zu steigern und Kunst als Kraftquelle für den Alltag zu entdecken.


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